Student Ambassador Program

Helping Students Navigate Their Financial Journey

Financial Literacy Leadership Conference

Financial Educators & Leaders Sharing Best Practices

Financial Literacy Certificate

HBCU Students – Register Now!

Financial Education Workshops

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Teach. Inspire. Advocate.

The Society for Financial Education & Professional Development (SFEPD) is a global leader in financial education working to increase financial literacy for all

Our Impact:

How We Make A Difference


“Ted Daniels is the guru on financial literacy education. Thanks for sharing your knowledge with Morehouse College Leadership & Professional Development class for the past 10 years. Your annual conference is a must-attend event for those hungry for financial enlightenment.”

Dr. Belinda Johnson White

“The success of financial literacy programs depends on people like Ted Daniels who are willing to volunteer time, knowledge, and experience with our students. We are fortunate to have benefitted from you sharing the importance of responsible money management with college students.

Thaddeus McEwen, Ph.D.

Professor, Department of Management, North Carolina A&T State University

“In these tough economic times, (financial) presentations like these become even more important for our students. Students need to be made aware of money management issues so that they make all the right decisions as they go through their student life and enter careers.

Dr. Anil Kukreja

Xavier University’s School of Business

“My deepest appreciation for SFEPD’s presentation to the Economics 400, Senior Seminar at Spelman College. My students, as graduating seniors, valued your remarks as a great takeaway, which should precede every commencement speech and/or baccalaureate exercise.

Romie Tribble

Professor of Economics, Secretary, National Economics Association, Spelman College

“Words cannot describe the appreciation and respect that I have for SFEPD and what you have contributed to HBCUs, college students, and the community.

Anthony Nelson, Ph.D.

Dean, School of Business, North Carolina Central University

“Thank you for the opportunity to host you (SFEPD)! I truly feel our students got a lot out of the presentation. Hope to stay connected with you to collaborate on future events.

Vincent Pucillo

President, Michigan State University Wealth Management Association

“It was special to me to be able to reach young people in sub-Saharan Africa and the bigger audience to speak to the world. It was a tremendous opportunity to participate in this worthwhile project and to make a real difference in people’s lives with useful financial education.

Theophilus Tagoe

Credit & Debt Management Video Instructor, U.S. Department of State’s Young African Leaders Initiative Network. SFEPD Student Ambassador, North Carolina Central University

“The training helped me plan for my immediate future and also for the long term. I wish they would conduct financial training for the entire university!

Ashley Green

Howard University Student

“In today’s society, financial literacy is one of the most important tools to have in your arsenal. SFEPD is supplying people of ages with knowledge of financial literacy to help individuals prepare themselves for the real world.

Khalil Woods

North Carolina Central University Student

“Because of the financial literacy training, I am a better-informed student with a better understanding of how to handle my finances after college. Mr. Daniels gave us real-life advice about managing our finances for our future. I learned about what to do to manage my finances once I am working in my career and when I retire. Excellent financial advice!

James Robinson

South Carolina State University Student

“Financial literacy is a life skill. I am honored to join SFEPD and N.C. A&T State University to help give young people in North Carolina the financial tools they need to not only to survive but truly live successfully.

Laura Matrazzo

Miss North Carolina 2018, Speaker, SFEPD Financial Literacy Workshop

“The students that were there were very interested and had lots of questions for Mr. Creighton. Marcus did a great job fitting so much into the half-hour and even stayed on for a few minutes after presenting to answer questions.

Dr. James Bartkus

Xavier University of Louisiana

“Keep growing winners. Thank you for your encouraging presence. You have made a lifelong impression on my life – of caring, giving, and excellence.

Lacey Hughes

Howard University School of Divinity graduate