SFEPD Implements Financial Education Model at Hampton University

SFEPD, a Nationally Recognized Financial Nonprofit, to Implement Financial Education Model at Hampton University

Financial Literacy Initiative to Provide Financial Knowledge and Skills Campus-wide and in the Community

SFEPD Founder and President Ted Daniels with Hampton University President Darrell Williams and SFEPD Financial Educator Dywane Hall

ALEXANDRIA, VA AUGUST 30, 2022 – The Society for Financial Education and Professional Development (SFEPD) and Hampton University announced a comprehensive initiative to teach financial education to the Hampton University community.

SFEPD, a leader in the financial education movement, has taught personal financial management skills at historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs) for nearly 25 years, but the project with Hampton University marks the first time SFEPD will train students, parents, staff, administrators, and the surrounding local community. One of the nation’s premier HBCUs, Hampton University is a private research university, known for its business, communications, and nursing programs.

Appointed as president of Hampton University on July 1st, President Darrell K. Williams is bringing new and innovative approaches to academics, including a strong focus on financial education, preparing students for financial success after graduation, and wealth creation. According to Williams, Hampton University will work to eradicate a void in college education by ensuring a holistic approach to teaching financial skills at the university and in the community. “Too many college students receive an educational degree, but do not acquire the financial skills that encourage economic health throughout their lives,” Williams said. “By working with SFEPD, we aim to eradicate the wealth and financial knowledge gap at Hampton University. Additionally, implementing a campus-wide financial literacy program will add value to our students’ degrees.”

Ted Daniels, SFEPD’s founder and president, agrees.“SFEPD applauds Hampton University’s President Williams for his vision and commitment to making sure financial knowledge and skills are taught to individuals throughout the university,” said Ted Daniels, SFEPD’s founder and president. “Financial literacy skills are essential to managing money wisely and to foster economic growth, especially in underserved communities not exposed to the intricacies of personal money management.”

SFEPD will offer an array of financial literacy training programs at Hampton University including three of SFEPD’s signature programs:

An SFEPD Student Ambassador Program
  • A successful program that trains HBCU college students to teach their peers to manage their finances better and build wealth. SFEPD trains Student Ambassadors in financial concepts to enable them to lead and teach engaging classes to fellow students. SFEPD’s financial educators and HBCU business school professors help Ambassadors to create workshops and events for students and local communities, and in turn, the Ambassadors develop leadership skills and serve as champions of financial literacy.
“Mind Over Money Skills” Program
  • SFEPD’s “Mind Over Money Skills” Program, a series of customized financial education and professional development seminars and workshops, is tailored for underserved populations and lower-income individuals. SFEPD will offer Credit Management and Student Loan Management, Personal Money Management, Investor Education, and Homeownership seminars at Hampton University.
Financial Literacy Certificate Program
  • Through a collaboration with the American College of Financial Services (ACFS), SFEPD offers supportive opportunities for HBCU students. Through the Know Yourself, Grow Your WealthSM initiative, Hampton students, parents, faculty, staff, and administrators can earn a financial education certificate, which adds to their knowledge and professional development skills.

As broad sectors of the U.S. population confront economic hardships, more emphasis must be placed on guaranteeing that financial knowledge and skills are available for those who need it the most, Daniels said. “This is essential in communities of color who often live paycheck to paycheck with low savings and homeownership rates; however, SFEPD’s financial literacy programs will give Hampton University and the community tools to manage their money well.”

A top priority for SFEPD is to increase the financial and investment knowledge of communities of color to help to close America’s wealth gap. This initiative is made possible by a grant from State Farm.

About The Society for Financial Education and Professional Development

For nearly 25 years, SFEPD, based in the Washington, D.C. area, has served as an award-winning financial literacy and professional development nonprofit teaching financial skills to people of all ages and backgrounds with a focus on underserved communities. SFEPD is directed by President and Founder Ted Daniels, a global financial literacy leader. Learn more at www.sfepd.org. Connect with SFEPD on social media:

Media Contact:

Ginie Lynch, Director of Communications

EIN Press Release