Ted Daniels Serves as Educational Keynoter for APEC Conference in China

Theodore R. Daniels Discusses Financial & Economic Literacy at APEC Conference in Beijing, China

WASHINGTON, D.C. – APRIL 18, 2013 – Society for Financial Education and Professional Development, Inc. (SFEPD) Founder and President Theodore R. Daniels will present a keynote address on the United States financial and economic literacy programs and initiatives at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation’s (APEC) April 25th conference in Beijing, China.

APEC is the premier forum for facilitating economic growth, cooperation, trade and investment in the Asia-Pacific region. APEC has 21 members: Australia, Brunei Darussalam, Canada, Chile, People’s Republic of China, Hong Kong China, Indonesia, Japan, Republic of Korea, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Peru, The Republic of the Philippines, The Russian Federation, Singapore, Chinese Taipei, Thailand, United States of America and Vietnam.

The goal of the educational conference is to exchange ideas about financial and economic literacy in the APEC economies, and to share best practices and case studies. After the conference, a special report on financial and economic literacy educational efforts of the APEC economies will be developed. “I am looking forward to sharing my knowledge and experience with the other participants to help them to develop financial literacy programs and initiatives in their countries,” Daniels said.

Daniels, with more than 35 years of experience in financial management and investments, brings a wealth of financial experience and expertise to the conference. Daniels is Founder and President of SFEPD, a non-profit organization that works to enhance the level of financial and economic literacy of individuals across the U.S. and to promote professional development at the early stages of career development through mid-level management.

In 2008, Daniels was appointed to serve on President George W. Bush’s Advisory Council on Financial Literacy. He continued to serve in this role under President Barack Obama’s administration through January 29, 2010. Daniels has also served as a member of the Board of Directors of the Certified Financial Planners Board of Standards. Daniel’s organization, SFEPD, is also a partner of the Financial Services Roundtable, which represents the largest financial services corporations in the U.S.

During his career, Daniels has written financial education newsletters, a syndicated personal financial education column, and produced a syndicated financial education TV series broadcast on Public Broadcasting System (PBS) and cable systems nationwide. He has served as a financial advisor, economics lecturer at American University and during his tenure in government at the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD); Daniels received many awards and accolades, including the Secretary’s Award for Excellence.

About The Society for Financial Education and Professional Development

SFEPD develops and presents financial literacy and professional development training for individuals, nonprofits, corporate and government organizations. For additional information about the Society for Financial Education and Professional Development, Inc., please contact Una Daniels-Edwards at 703-920-3807 or visit www.sfedp.org.

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